Wednesday 19 February 2025
About Us
Niroo Research Institute
Perspective Document
Ethical and Professional Declaration
Honors and Achievements
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Vice President for Technology
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Vice President For Research
Vice President For Research
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Vice President For Technology
Vice President for Technology
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About Us
Niroo Research Institute
Perspective Document
Statement of Values
In 2020,
Niroo Research Institute (NRI)
will be a knowledge based institution, with global credibility and a forerunner in the Electric Power Industry
Technological Authourity in the Electric Power Industry
Future studies and innovation
Customer orientation
Continuous learning and improvement
Meritocracy and Academic Elitism
Formative interaction with science and research centers
Managing applied and developmental researches in the Electric Power Industry
Implementationof strategic, Macro, long-term, and high risks, researches and studies in the Electric Power Industry
Generation, development, and acquisition of technology
Supporting the development of technologies and innovations
Performing studies and conducting foresight and future studies in the Electric Power Industry in NRI's research potfolio
Determining strategic research areas and new technologies development in Electric Power Industry
Orientation of the research explanation towards joint projects with academy and industry
Systematizing foresight and policy researches
Promoting NRI's role in Foresight and policy researches of the Electric Power Industry
Capacity building , and supporting thechnologies
Increasing NRI's share in supplying new technologies in the Electric Power Industry at national level
Developing monitoring systems for technological developments at global level
Stabilizing NRI's position in technology management
Providing the basis for the development of Electric Power Industry (viz.Incubators, techparks, techfunds etc.)
Amplifying the scientific and thecnological faciliation role of knowledge based and innovative firms
Networking among techparks and incubators in the Electiric Power Industry
Expanding the fund and supporting the commercialization of research findings and intellectual property
Research focused on strategic, macro, high risk, and administrative projects in the field of Electric Power Industry
Increasing the strategic role of NRI in research in the Electric Power Industry
Performing projects that are not of interest of the private sector or are outside their capabilities
Capacity building for taking responsibility of becoming an authority in the Electric Power Industry
Creating the knowledge management system and publication of research results
Creating fame and superior brand
Creating experts network in the Electric Power Industry
Increasing NRI's role in codification of standards in the field of Electric Power Industry
Empowering the researchers in the field of Electric Power Industry
Instating the proffessional qualification system
Supporting researchers' self-development
Increase and development of human resources at NRI
Updating and increasing the enabling system of experts and project managers according to competency modeling